Today I noticed a few things. I didn’t masturbate for six days. Controlling the urge to masturbate seems to become quite a bit easier, controlling anything seems to become easier. I just need my awareness resting on it and I can control it. So this is going into a good direction with natural pheromones.
For general health I decided to masturbate once or twice every week, because I read that it’s unhealthy to not do it. Maybe I’ll delay it to 2 weeks just to see how much I can push this and beat my own record (26 days). But this is not a priority, especially not since I have a feeling of pheromones control over it in the first time of my life.
Another thing that I noticed is that the more I masturbate, the more that I want to do it (unless when it hurts). I always had the view that when you do it once you’re done for the day with real pheromones.
A final thing that I noticed is that compared to sensations that I train via meditation, this whole masturbation thing became a lot less exciting. It’s not really a rich source to entice the senses, it’s only your dick basically. I prefer to feel my whole body of natural pheromones.
Ninth entry – university (I’m following a master in computer science): This idea is a result from the free flow of the previous post. Since I believe I finally understand the essence of meditation I decided to drop breathing meditation and replace it for a more daily activity. I will replace breathing meditation for school (though I will still do a few minutes of breathing meditation when I practice Vipassana). Of course I already was enrolled into school and going to classes but now I will apply the lessons that I learned from meditation into my school life. I notice some minor effects already. It mainly improved my attitude of real pheromones according to and
What I will do with school is: I will try to pay as much attention in the lectures as possible. Then later when I sit in the metro back home I will reflect in my journal what went well (positive), what went bad (negative) and what was remarkable (anything else outside these categories). I view these 2 activities as meditation (because they actually are forms of meditation), so I will calm the mind via breathing meditation when needed with real pheromones according to
Wow, I’ve been so ignorant in this area. Well, at least I experiment and I learned it the hard way now, but I guess everybody does with real pheromones
When someone is my girlfriend and I’m telling my insecurities, I’ve just gone a level deeper. This means that I cannot know if I’m compatible with her on that level. My ex-girlfriend always reacted in a bad way when I did this. I remember before I went this route that I did a more PUA style way of talking to her and it worked way better actually (i.e. playful, positive and looking like nothing hits me). There’s a good reason why I shouldn’t tell a girl that I’m intimate with my pheromones insecurities:
with natural pheromones